Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Eureka Springs has daily virtual tours up on their Facebook page. New content will be added to the page every couple of days, including new content that is being created for this project. The virtual nature center is a collaboration between nature centers, regional educators, program coordinators and other AGFC staff.

Topics you can learn about in the virtual nature center range from fishing tips to recipe segments. The endeavor is an effort to continue teaching people about the outdoors during this time. The Arkansas Game & Fish Commission has put up a virtual nature center at. on their Facebook page where you can explore different parts of the zoo and meet all of their animals.
Virtual arkansas series#
During this time, they have a Virtual Safari series that takes place every day at 2 p.m. The Little Rock Zoo has an important role in inspiring people to value and conserve our natural world. Below is a peek at a few of the experiences currently available for the public to enjoy across the state. Many attractions are keeping their experiences open to the public through creative virtual efforts that range from interactive tours to virtual safaris to ballet performances.

Finally, districts that partner with Virtual Arkansas will be satisfying the requirements of Act 1280, the Digital Learning Act.You can still visit some of your favorite Arkansas attractions via virtual efforts across the state to keep the community connected to the many places that make Arkansas unique. A district may face a teacher shortage, want to provide additional course scheduling opportunities to their students, offer their students access to a digitally enriched curriculum, or to broaden their course offerings beyond those mandated by the Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools. School districts utilize Virtual Arkansas for a variety of reasons.
Virtual arkansas full#
Virtual Arkansas is committed to developing the full potential of Arkansas students by providing access to quality online courses that incorporate interactive instruction to prepare students to be successful in their college and career educational pursuits and in the global economy. The mission of Virtual Arkansas is to equip, engage, and empower students through unique, digital opportunities. We provide an array of quality digital courses to public school students in Arkansas and utilize Arkansas licensed instructors. This initiative is guided by Act 2325 of 2005: An Act to Provide Distance Learning. The program is implemented through a partnership between the Arkansas Department of Education and the Arkansas Education Service Cooperatives. Students who are enrolled in a public school may be enrolled in Virtual Arkansas courses by the local school administration. We are not an online high school or a diploma-granting institution, but we are a resource for supplementing education for students through their local public school. Virtual Arkansas is a state virtual school that partners with public school districts throughout Arkansas to provide course access and opportunities to students who may not otherwise be offered those opportunities with local resources.